Delight your guests and increase their satisfaction with Roomie

Meet Roomie, the friendly AI assistant that helps manage your rentals and can tend to your guests 24/7.

Simplify Hosting and Enhance your Guests Experience.

Running a short-term rental can be demanding, especially when it comes to managing guest communications.

That’s where Roomie comes in. Roomie is an AI-powered assistant designed to support you in day-to-day operations that can also handle a wide range of guest inquiries with speed, accuracy, and a friendly touch.

Speak with Roomie

Fill out the form and Roomie will call you right away.

Features & Benefits

From pre-booking inquiries to assisting guests during their stay, Roomie has you covered.


Roomie can act as your personal assistant, or if you feel comfortable with it, can also tend to guests directly.

Enhance Guest Experience

Provide quick, accurate, and helpful responses to guests, boosting satisfaction and reviews.


Roomie is ready to assist you or your guests 24/7, on a variety of channels, including phone and email.


Roomie can communicate with guests in multiple languages, ensuring that language barriers are never an issue.


Change Roomies identity, accent, or style of speech to treat guests in the tone and manner you desire.

Private and Secure

We ensure all guest interactions and data processing complies with the latest security standards and privacy regulations.

Frequently asked questions

What is Roomie?

Roomie is an AI-powered assistant designed specifically for short-term rental hosts (AirBnB, VRBO, etc). It helps manage guest communications by automating responses to inquiries, booking confirmations, during-stay assistance, and post-stay follow-ups. Roomie is available 24/7, ensuring that your guests always have the support they need.

What kinds of requests can Roomie assist with?
How do I configure Roomie?
Can I customize Roomie's responses?
Can Roomie handle multiple properties?
What happens if Roomie can't help with a specific request?
Can Roomie handle multiple languages?
Is Roomie secure?
How does Roomie communicate with guests?
What is Roomies email address?
What is Roomies phone number?


Affordable plans designed to fit your needs and guest volume.

  • Single rental property
  • Available via E-Mail
  • Available via Phone
Sign Up
Super Host
  • Single rental property
  • Available via E-Mail
  • Available via Phone*
Sign Up
Super Cohost
  • Up to 3 properties
  • Available via E-Mail
  • Available via Phone*
Sign Up

If none of these plans suit your needs, get in touch with us regarding our custom plans.

  • Flexible features to meet your requirements
Talk to us
* Includes 100 minutes of call time per month, overages are billed at $0.11 per minute.

Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you! If you have any questions or inquiries, please send an e-mail to